Jilly's go-to recipe tips

Our pantry items include Grampians & Co organic infused oils, condiments and jams from Josh & Sue, and Cunliffe Waters, fancy gold sugars and seasonings from Tastelology, A Taste of Paris and The Gourmet Merchant.
All of these are a great help when feeding a family or creating special dinners for guests.
Like many of us I love good, wholesome and tasty food - but don’t have hours to spend in the kitchen. Here are some great time saving cheats that I love to use.
Preserved Lemon Harissa or Rose Harissa, rubbed into chicken or fish are some of my Josh & Sue favourites, paired with steamed greens drizzled with Grampians & Co Chilli Infused Organic Olive Oil and topped off with a sprinkle of Tasteology Himalayan Pink Rock Salt, delicious! (Not to mention super impressive when served to your favourite people.)
Josh and Sue’s products add unique flavours and interest to any meal. Potatoes, or any root vegetables, roasted with a sprinkle of African Spice Rub and served with Josh and Sue Preserved Lemon Aioli makes a delicious combination! Another winning combination is fresh or lightly toasted sourdough served with Grampians & Co Blood Orange Infused Organic Olive Oil and Josh & Sue’s Egyptian Dukkah for dipping, yum!
Of all the fantastic Cunliffe & Waters products, the Tomato Kasoundi is one of my standout favourites. I love this product for its flavours and versatility.
It can stand alone as a condiment or turn an `ok’ dish into something amazing. It works equally as well in meat, vegetarian and vegan dishes.
A couple of my favs are,
For a vegan feast, Kasoundi with roasted cauliflower, (roasting the cauli whole and serving on a platter looks very impressive).
Generously smear the Kasoundi on a platter, top with cooked grains, (farro, barley or freekeh work well), then place the roasted cauli (or two) in the centre topping with more Kasoundi. Scatter with parsley leaves, toasted slivered or flaked almonds, add a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Yummy!!
*For a meat dish, place a piece of lamb, such as a shoulder or leg in a slow cooker, (whatever works for your family) then pour a whole jar of Kasoundi over the lamb, add onion and some root veggies if you like and cook for 6-8 hours. Serve with a bowl of greens and couscous. Delicious and super easy.
*I can’t remember who introduced me to this recipe, it may have been a customer or Simone from Cunliffe & Waters, whomever it was, I thank them!